Sunday, November 11, 2012

Autumn Blues

It’s almost mid-November and from now on it will seem like the days will go much faster. Where did the year go? 

From now on it’s my least favorite time of the year. As the temperatures begin to drop, I feel miserable and don’t enjoy going out as much. 

I hate winter. I hate cold weather. I don’t like winter clothing. I don’t like the holidays. Help! 
It’s indoor times for me. Movie theaters, restaurants, concerts, anything that has a roof, walls and a heater. From now on, my outdoor activities and my day trips are over until next year by spring and summer. 

Then we just had the daylight saving time. I hate that too! When at 5 pm it’s already dark and cold, I just can’t stand it. 

Below I list some of the reasons why I hate winter weather and the holidays: 

I don’t like the heater, but I can’t live without it. It’s like a love-hate relationship. 

I take hot showers and my skin becomes dry. Lots of body lotion this time of the year. 

It’s an agony to get up in the morning. 

Inside the car is freezing in the morning. 

As stated before, I HATE when by 5 pm is already dark. 

I hate winter clothing. Jackets, sweaters, scarves, boots, I hate them all. More laundry to do in winter too. 

I don’t get thirsty. I have to force myself to drink water. 

Higher utility bills.

I tend to eat less healthy food in the winter. I’m not prompted to eat salads and fruits like I am in the summer. 

Fruits are more expensive and tasteless. 

Ah, and did I mention the flu, allergies and my running nose? 

The water comes out from the faucets freezing cold. 

With respect to December, buying a single item takes forever because all stores are packed. 

Traffic is crazy. 

Finding a parking spot becomes a nightmare. 

People forget the reason for the season. It’s Christ-mas. But for the world it’s all about shopping and parties. 

People get in debt buying gifts that they cannot afford. 

The best Christmas seasons of my life were spent with my parents, both now in heaven. This is the time of the year when I miss my parents most. 

I know that a lot of people love winter and bravo for those. As for me, when it’s cold and windy, I want to escape and hide in a tropical island until spring arrives. 

On the bright side, this is a time to stay more at home and catch up with all those tedious tasks that are never done because I’m not home that much.

I finish this with a quote from Victor Hugo: 

“Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is on my heart.” 

1 comment:

  1. this blog made me laugh delma.....I hate winter too! The only solace is I love my sassy thigh high boots...hee hee and can wear them when its cold! Cya soon xo
